
December 14th San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

by - December 16, 2018

We slept in since neither of us slept very well.  It took us about 2 hours to get to San Pedro de Atacama.  The Atacama is the driest desert in the world.  We reached almost 16,000 ft above sea level and then descended.  We felt better as soon as we got there.  Once we arrived we went to a cafe to eat and use the WiFi.  The WiFi was so bad we went to a different restaurant.  We planned the next few days and then went grocery shopping.  We decided to head to the area where the geysers are.  We will go see them during sunrise.  We found a great little spot along a small flowing river.  We took a bath and got busted by another Overlander.  I’m sure they had a good laugh over that.  Then Bart made quesadillas  and I organized the truck.  We relaxed the rest of the afternoon.

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