November 10-11th Uruguay

by - November 12, 2018

November 10th

We made breakfast and stayed at the campsite to let our laundry dry.  Then we enjoyed one last (cold) shower since we have no idea when our next one will be.  We hit the road again.  It took us 5 hours to get to Tacuarembo.  We stopped in Melo for lunch.  It must have been some sort of gathering of all the local d-bags and their crotch rockets.  It was impossible to enjoy our ham and cheese hot dogs with all the loud bikes driving past every 10 seconds.  We downed our food and water and took off.  When we arrived at our destination we looked and looked for this brewery.  We even waited until it supposedly opened at 7 PM, but it was not meant to be.  We settled on a pizzeria and were happy we did so.  The pizza was really good and cheap and the beer was cold.  In the dark we drove a small dusty road way back in a park where we camped for the night.  The temperature has been getting warmer and warmer making sleeping more and more miserable.

November 11th

We tried to make breakfast, but the stove was broken.  We will have to try to buy a new one.  We packed up and headed towards Salto, Uruguay's 2nd largest city.  We stopped at a local market on the way out of town.  We bought a whole cooked chicken and ate it in the car for breakfast and lunch.  It took us 4 hours to get to Salto.  We drove for over 2 hours without seeing a car, person, or building.  There were loads of cows, sheep, horses, ostriches, and even a deer.  As we neared Argentina we started to notice the fields being used for crops instead of only pasture.  We went to Burger King for dinner.  You have to get nostalgic food when you find it.  We found a massive park where tons of people were hanging out.  There were a lot of food trucks as well.  It wasn't a great spot as there were cars driving by all night long.

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